Reading has equipped me with tools and simulated experiences that have helped me improve myself as a thinker and doer. The books below represent my current list of high-impact reads that concisely communicate sets of mental models that have proven useful in my life, and the lives of others I respect. Consider these shortcuts to learning hard lessons, and more.

I've assembled them in tranches. I'll keep building this out, but they are books, articles, and videos that have helped me develop frameworks with which to operate in the modern world.

Now, allow me to be blunt: Many people see others who appear to be more successful, in their careers, and their impulse is to ask them to "go to coffee." Honestly, I did this in the past. But let me tell you: very rarely do these sorts of things work. Instead, you have to do the hard stuff. And that's reading and thinking.

If you are interested in seeking my advice on a specific matter, especially if you are in college or recently graduated, here is my user guide:

User Guide: Joshua Steinman

On to the main show:


Tranche 1: Books that provide frameworks around how to think.

Tranche 2: Insight into the fundamental nature of information and the universe.

Tranche 3: On influence and its uses.